BOOK YOUR PAINT PARTY: Virtual or In-Person

Please read through the guidelines and pricing first.
Keep scrolling to book your party!

Julie’s Paint Party: Guidelines and Pricing 
(for in-person parties)

Thank you for considering booking your party with me, we are gonna have a super great time!

Here are a few guidelines I’d like to share before moving forward with your paint party…

1) A deposit of $70 is required to secure your date and time. You can EMAIL a deposit to 
(The $70 will go towards the final total for the party, the remainder is due by the end of the party) Cash is best, but credit is available for a $5 charge.

2) The painting choice and the amount of people attending must be finalized 48 hours prior to the date of the party. The final number submitted is what is owed upon arrival at the party.  If there are any cancellations within the last 48 hours it is up to the host to fill those empty spots! 

You can choose your painting at

3) The party host is responsible for providing the tables and chairs. Also, whatever drinks and snacks are the party's responsibility. 

4) A travel charge of $25 will be added to the total for anywhere over a 30 minute drive from my home (Anywhere in the windsor/ Essex area) 


Up to 12 painters : $500
(Each additional Painter is $35/person up to 15 people)

For parties of 15 or more the rate is $35/person

If you need an invoice, tax will be added on top of cost. 

Pricing includes: Canvases, Paints, Brushes, Easels, Aprons, Cups, Plates, Paper towels, Table Cloths & Fun, Professional Painting Instructions.

• If you’d like a NEW personalized painting created just for your party/ theme: $50

Julie’s Paint Party: Guidelines and Pricing 
Virtual Parties

Here are a few guidelines I’d like to share before moving forward with your virtual paint party…

1) A 50% deposit is required to secure your date and time. You can EMAIL a deposit to 

2) The painting choice and the amount of people attending must be finalized 48 hours prior to the date of the party.

3) You can choose your painting at

4) Your Private Online Room will be available to access 10-15 minutes before our scheduled painting begins, and an extra charge of $15 will be added for every 15 minutes we are delayed with late arrivals.


Paintings are divided into timed categories for easy choosing!

Virtual: up to 50 devices

  • Up to 60 minutes $180

  • 60-90 minutes $260

  • 90-120 minutes  $350

Virtual: up to 100 devices

  • Up to 60 minutes $280

  • 60-90 minutes $360

  • 90-120 minutes  $450

• Recording Uploaded to YOUTUBE with private link: $50
• A NEW painting created just for your party/ theme: $50

Book your event here:

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