Song of the Week Ep. 21

Happy Sunday and long weekend everyone!  

I just absolutely love this time of year when the smell of autumn starts creeping in. It sad to see summer go, but morning walks in the brisk air, hearing the sounds of new birds migrating through, watching the squirrels frantically get ready for the winter.... it all resonates beautifully in me, and I love sharing it with my new little girl, seven week old Storey!
This tune is very "fall-y", somber, but beautiful, and makes you dream of the brisk nights and red sunsets. I hope you enjoy!

Song of the Week Ep. 17

Is it Sunday?

I have lost all sense of days or time now that I've cracked the seal of motherhood! hehe! And I absolutely love it! I have more love in my life than I ever have before, and even eight days a week couldn't make it run thin. Hopefully you enjoy my rendition of this classic Beatles tune! Have a wonderful day and make sure you tell the ones you love, that indeed you do love them very much :)


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